ASLE conference
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment conference, Detroit, June 2017 -- Humboldt faculty Dr. Sarah Ray (Environmental Studies; E&C faculty) and Dr. Janelle Adsit (English) will be attending and are willing to take as many students who want to attend.
There are two upcoming Skillshops that will be geared toward preparing for the ASLE conference, but that would be of interest to students attending ANY conference:
-- Dr. Adsit will be conducting a Skillshop on Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. in the Library Fishbowl to teach anybody who's interested how to submit an abstract for a conference CFP, specifically tailored to ASLE.
-- Dr. Ray will be doing a Skillshop in the spring to help students prepare for attending the conference. It will cover mentoring/program planning/conference etiquette, etc.
The website for the ASLE conference is here: The deadline for the CFP is Dec. 12.
From Dr. Ray: “It's an excellent conference for graduate students, as there is a robust Graduate Mentoring program that E&C students can tap, involving two panels specifically about professionalizing for grads in the field, and optional one-on-one mentoring with a writer/scholar in the field, where grads get paired with ASLE members and meet up at the conference. There are also travel awards (I'm chairing that committee, AGAIN) for the most precarious of our members (including grad students).”