1) "Unfence the Future: Taking Down Fortress Conservation and Its Enduring Legacy," April 12-13
This free virtual symposium from The Natural History Museum brings together a blockbuster lineup of community leaders, conservationists, historians, geographers, legal scholars, policy experts, poets, and activists working to dismantle the colonial logics, practices, and protocols embedded in institutions of federal law, historic preservation, and conservation. Learn more and RSVP
2) Decolonizing Sustainability Speaker Series, April 12
Active registration link

3) CCAT Co-Directors sought
There will be a live informational session about these positions on Instagram April 12 at 5 p.m.

4) "Restoring Fire-Adaptive Oak Woodlands in Northwestern California," April 12
5:30 p.m., Goodwin Forum. Cal Poly Humboldt Distinguished Faculty Award winner Jeff Kane, Professor of Forestry, will talk about how the removal of fire in oak ecosystems in northwestern California over the past century has resulted in substantial loss of biodiversity and degradation of culturally managed landscapes. Efforts to restore oak ecosystems and reintroduce fire hold promise but often require removal of conifers to promote effectiveness. Dr. Kane will share his research over the past decade that explores the impacts of fire exclusion and the ecological responses of restoration approaches within oak ecosystems of northwestern California.
5) Environmental health scholarship
The National Environmental Health Association and American Academy of Sanitarians scholarship program aims to encourage early commitment by students to pursue a career in environmental health. Applications are due by April 15.
- Two undergraduate applicants will be awarded $2,650 each
- One graduate student applicant will be awarded for $3,750.
Learn more here.
6) Environmental educator seasonal position
Applications due April 17. The Trinidad Coastal Land Trust is dedicated to providing coastal access and education for all people while caring for and restoring the coastal ecosystems of the Trinidad area. The Environmental Educator will work on a part time basis to coordinate our various grant funded education programs during the summer 2023. This individual will bring to our team an enthusiastic attitude for coastal ecosystems, the ability to convey meaningful and relevant local natural history information to a variety of ages, and the desire to facilitate connections between community members and the natural world. This is a seasonal position, with the possibility of extension into the Fall. Read the full position description
7) Foggy Bottoms Boys internship
Applications (resume and cover letter) due April 17. The Foggy Bottoms Boys Farm on-farm regenerative dairy internship program is a 8 to 12-week program designed to provide interns with practical experience in regenerative dairy farming practices. Interns will work alongside our experienced farmers and industry professionals, and will be exposed to all aspects of the farm, including:
- Milking, herd and grazing management
- Regenerative agriculture practices, Soil health and pasture management
- Animal welfare and ethical farming practices
- Business administration
- Regulatory compliance
- Communications and graphic design
Interns receive a stipend of up to $2,000. See the attached position description for further details.
8) Redwood Rising Forest Fellowship
The Redwoods Rising Forest Fellow is a two-year position that enhances the capacity of Save the Redwoods' Redwoods Rising initiative – a collaborative forest restoration effort in Redwood National and State Parks. As our Redwoods Rising Forest Fellow, you will be working with League staff and partner agencies to advance the initiative by coordinating logistical support for the Redwoods Rising governance teams; overseeing the day-to-day activities of a team of Restoration Apprentices; providing technical expertise and support to ecological restoration projects; and supporting fundraising and outreach efforts. This is a 2-year funded position. See here for the position description and information on how to apply.
9) "Humboldt Housing: Now and in the Future," April 17
OLLI Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation (via Zoom) with Andrew Whitney of the Humboldt County Planning & Building Department. Andrew will explore the existing housing conditions in Humboldt County, providing context on jurisdictional planning efforts, local agency, developer, and non-profit organization involvement. Recent changes to California State housing law will be discussed. With this context established, the presentation will detail current efforts to increase the number of housing units available in Humboldt County, and the projects and programs to increase the quality and availability of housing in the county. The presentation will conclude with a look at demographic trends in the Humboldt County and housing’s role in environmental sustainability. Learn more or join via Zoom
10) Butte County Sustainable Communities Scholarship
Students who have graduated from a public high school in Butte County in the previous four academic years (2019 through 2022) AND are enrolled in an environmental studies program, among others, are eligible. Two (2) $500 scholarships will be awarded. Environmental Studies majors from Butte County are encouraged to find out more information about this scholarship
here. The deadline for applications is April 21.
11) Learning Center Positions
The Learning Center is now hiring! We have about 30 positions open in all of our peer-to-peer support programs as well as for our front desk. Contact the Learning Center at
learning@humboldt.edu with any questions.
Tutor, Writing Consultant, & Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader Positions
- $16.20 an hour
- Up to 20 hours a week
Student Reception Assistants
- $15.50 an hour
- Federal Work-Study helpful
- Up to 20 hours a week
Advertising & Social Media Student Assistant
- Wages based on experience
- 4 to 8 hours a week
More details and application information may be found
Environment Studies Club, April 17 meeting
Care about the environment? Looking for community? Or just new friends? The Environmental Studies Club is comprised of individuals who care about the environment and the beings living in it. The club also focuses on having a positive outlook on environmental issues and often holds meetings specifically to mitigate anxiety and fear surrounding climate change. All students are welcome and you don't have to be an Environmental Studies student to join.
Club meetings are on Monday at 6:15 pm in Founders Hall 181 followed by an excursion somewhere in Humboldt County on the following Saturday. Meetings are biweekly. Below is a full semester calendar (last updated 3-2-2023).