- Friends of the Dunes seeks environmental educators. Environmental educators are needed to lead groups of elementary school students on field trips to the Humboldt Bay and coastal dunes. Volunteers will learn about local coastal ecology, gain valuable experience in environmental education, and have fun exploring nature while leading environmental education activities with groups of K-12 students. No experience is necessary, in-depth training will be provided. Participants must be available on Fridays, and should attend all three training days on Friday, February 21, Saturday, February 22, and Friday, February 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center, 220 Stamps Lane in Manila. R.S.V.P. required. Please email education@friendsofthedunes.org or call the Nature Center at (707) 444-1397.
- Lecture about racism on college campuses, Feb. 24.UCLA’sLawrence Ross breaks down the issues of racism on college campuses using themes in his book, Blackballed: The Black and White Politics of Race on America’s Campuses. Free copies of Ross’ book will be distributed to the first 100 students. Feb. 24, KBR, doors open at 6-8pm. Tickets are free and available at the UC Ticket Office (707) 826-3928.
- Zero to Fierce Festival, February 28-March 8. This 10-day-long festival celebrating creative womxn in our community is centered around International Women’s Day on Friday, March 8. As part of the festival, E&C faculty member Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy (home department Native American Studies) and others will discuss Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, and cultural references within the performance of “Menil and Her Heart,” a Cahuilla play focused on the contemporary issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous women and girls. Find out more details about this session and other festival events here.
- Lecture on Sanctuary Cities, March 2. A number of U.S. jurisdictions, including Arcata and Humboldt County, have declared themselves “sanctuaries” for undocumented immigrants, but what exactly does this mean? In this lecture (Siemens Hall 108, 5:30pm), Loren Collingwood explores the history and religious roots of sanctuary policies. He examines how the media frames these policies, the predictors of public support for or opposition to them, and their effects on crime and Latino political incorporation. Particular attention is paid to the Humboldt County Measure K sanctuary vote. See the attached flyer for details.
- Salmon and Acorns Feed Our People, March 5.Kari Norgaardand Ron Reed discuss Norgaard's book Salmonand Acorns Feed Our People. Native American Forum, 5:30-7pm.
- Funds to support marine- or coastal-related research. The program is available to Graduate Students enrolled at Cal Poly Humboldt to support marine- or coastal-related research. The student must be in good academic standing (GPA > 3.0) and work with an Humboldt faculty advisor. Requests can be made for up to $1,000 and proposals are due March 9, 2020 by 5pm. For more information or to apply, see here. Direct questions to Dr. Brian Tissot at brian.tissot@humboldt.edu.
- Zero Waste Strategic Programs Interns; application deadline March 23. The Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) is looking for two students who are excited about the Circular Economy and campus zero waste infrastructure. This is a paid, summer internship in Philadelphia. Interns will gain a thorough understanding of the intersections of the global waste crisis with broader social and environmental justice movements, as well as the relationship between campus contracts and partnerships. More details here. [Peggy: I verified that graduate students are eligible to apply.]
- Humboldt Daily 5KM Walk/Jog/Run. Humboldt's Human Performance Lab and the Humboldt Exercise is Medicine Team announce a free daily 5k walk/jog/run program for all students, faculty, and staff. The program will run Monday-Friday from 12-1:30 pm starting February 24 and ending May 8 on the campus track. See here for more details.