1. Research presentation money available; deadline Sept. 9. The College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences has issued a call for funds for university-related travel occurring between November 1-June 30. If you are a full-time student traveling to present research, you may apply for funds. The deadline to apply is September 9. See the attached document for more details or apply via this link.
  2. "Rolling by Post-Communist Landscapes: Exploring Serbia and Romania from the Seat of a Bicycle," Sept. 4. In Fall 2018, two friends [one of whom is Dr. Erin Kelly, E&C faculty member, home department Forestry & Wildland Resources] rode bicycles on back roads from Belgrade, Serbia, to the remote rural landscapes of northern Romania. In this presentation, they talk about what they learned of the economics, land use, culture, politics, and history of the places they visited. This is an opportunity to hear about a fascinating and often-overlooked part of Europe, and to learn about the logistics of cycling in places that do not typically see road cyclists. See the Facebook event here for more details.
  3. Let's Talk about the Middle East, Sept. 5. Free film showing ("A Separation") and discussion led by Dr. Leena Dallasheh (E&C faculty member; home department History) at the Richard's Goat Miniplex (401 I Street, Arcata). Thursday, Sept. 5, 5:30 p.m. A middle-class family in Tehran is embroiled in strife over the decision to leave the country for a better life for their 11-year-old daughter or staying to care for her ailing grandfather. Through the legal struggle that ensues, the film explores the complexities of class, politics, religion, and family structure in contemporary Iran. See the Facebook event here.
  4. Educational opportunities with Friends of the Dunes. Coastal Naturalist Training, September 12 to October 24: A 6-week California Naturalist Course that combines a junior college level introductory science course curriculum with classroom and field experiences, guest lecturers, and project-based learning to immerse participants in the natural world of the Humboldt Bay region and coastal dune ecosystem. Environmental Education Training, September 6, 7, & 13. Volunteers are needed to lead field trips for elementary school students to the Humboldt Bay and Coastal Dunes. No experience is necessary, just an interest in coastal ecology and passion for sharing nature with kids. See the attached fliers for details.
  5. Bioneers Conference, Oct. 18-20, San Rafael, CA. “Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet. Founded in 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico by social entrepreneurs Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, we act as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.” E&C faculty member Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy (home department Native American Studies) will be speaking at this conference. **Humboldt Social Work M.A. student Brittany Kleinschnitz is looking to carpool to this conference. If you’re interested in attending and carpooling, contact her at bk82@humboldt.edu or 631-338-6749.**
  6. Planet Humboldt, Sept. 14, Eureka, CA. A Summit of Inspiration for Community and a Vital Earth, celebrating the earth, activism, and community. Note that E&C alumna Cybelle Immit (2001), now a Natural Resources Planning Manager for Humboldt County, will be a participant in a panel on “Energy, Commerce, and Media.” See here for more details about the event.
  7. Flexible, part-time job opportunity. The U.S. Census Bureau is looking for people verify addresses and, eventually, conduct questionnaires locally. See here for more details. Census takers in Humboldt County will earn $16.50 an hour.

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