- Free public talk, Sept. 19, “Sixty Years of Community Based Forest Management in Arcata.” 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Mark Andre (’79, Natural Resources Planning & Interpretation) will be speaking on "Sixty Years of Community Based Forest Management in Arcata" followed by a question and answer session. Mark is the Director of Environmental Services for the City of Arcata and a registered Professional Forester. Because of his efforts the Arcata Community Forest, established in 1955, has grown considerably and is nationally considered as a model community forest. See more details here.
- Climate strike, Sept. 20. Sunrise Movement Humboldt invites others to join them Friday in participating in the worldwide climate strike. Meet in the UC Quad from 10am-11am or in the Arcata Plaza at noon. The strike continues at the Eureka Courthouse from 3-5 p.m. See the Facebook event here.
- Free public talk, Sept. 20, “What Good is a Land Acknowledgement?: Radical Imagination for Decolonized Futures.” Hear Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy (E&C faculty member; Native American Studies chair) deliver the above-titled talk, followed by a reception to launch the California Faculty Association-Humboldt Book of the Year, Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s “Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples.” Sept. 20, 3-4:45 p.m. lecture, 4:45-6 p.m. reception, Native American Forum (BSS 162). See the attached flyer.
- Volunteer opportunity. Six Rivers National Forest (USDA Forest Service) is seeking volunteer community members to serve on Resource Advisory Committees (RACs) for Humboldt County. Participating in a RAC is a great opportunity to build a resume of civic engagement, learn about county and federal government, meet community members with diverse perspectives, and help democratically determine how funds are spent on and around public land. Potential RAC members should print, fill out, and sign the attached interest form and application form and send a paper copy to Devin McMahon, RAC Coordinator, Six Rivers National Forest, 1330 Bayshore Way, Eureka, CA 95501, along with a brief cover letter explaining your interest in serving on a RAC. Applications are due Sept. 20.
- Join the CHECK IT Volunteer Team. Work with a team of students from across campus to help embed CHECK IT and consent within our campus culture. CHECK IT's Volunteer Team Retreat is this Saturday, Sept. 21, 10am-3:30pm, KBR. To attend, please register here. As a team member you will: Serve as a liaison between groups you’re connected with and CHECK IT; build community & be a part of a growing violence prevention movement on campus; l earn and gain skills within your area of interest (resume building!); and participate in campus wide campaigns. For more information, contact Mary Sue Savage at mss62@humboldt.edu.
- 2020 CSU Student Research Competition. Students are invited to submit a written summary of their research or creative presentations to the Office of Research by Jan. 31. If selected, students will compete at CSU East Bay, on April 24-25. The Office of Research will pay approved travel costs for up to 10 students selected to represent Humboldt. Cash awards will be provided to the outstanding presenter in each category. See here for more details.
- Video premiere, place-based learning communities, Sept. 27. Screenings of “History of Native California” and “Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Place-Based Learning Communities.” Description from ENST/E&C faculty member Sarah Ray: “This is a very exciting event, where many of the folks that are in the film will be present for discussion after the film. Cutcha Risling Baldy was part of this production, as were many folks at Humboldt. If you're interested in learning more about the tribes in this region, I strongly recommend you attend.” See the attached flyer.