- Arcata Community Potluck, Sept. 8. Equity Arcata is hosting a Home Away From Home Potluck at the D Street Community Center. Meet other students and community members! Food provided for students. See the attached flyer for more details.
- Educators Fellowship, deadline Sept. 12. Students interested in teaching from a grassroots education approach are encouraged to apply for the Promotoras Transformative Educators Fellowship. Students will receive a stipend towards their financial aid package for participating ($500 each semester of involvement). The program objective is to equip aspiring educators with tools and experiences that empower them to lead equity and justice based change. The program will require 3-5 hours a week over the course of 8 weeks per semester culminating in an action research project. The application deadline is Sept. 12. Learn more and apply here.
- “On Walls, Physical and Metaphorical,” Sept. 18. E&C faculty member Dr. Leena Dallasheh (home department History) will present “On Walls, Physical and Metaphorical: A History of Oppression in Palestine” on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 5 p.m. in LIB 302. Walls have gained a lot of attention in the USA in recent years. But for Palestinians, their lives have been shaped by walls, physical and metaphorical, since the early encounter with the Zionist movement in the late 19th century. This talk will explore the history of the current walls erected in Palestine, and connect them to the rising Wall discourse here. See the attached flyer.
- Northcoast Environmental Center internships. The NEC is accepting applications for Fall 2019 – Spring 2020 Environmental Education, Coastal Programs, Zero Waste, EcoNews Archive, and EcoNews Journalism internships. Applications are due September 23. See here for more details.
- Call for papers.The Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR) invites paper submissions for the 2020 Special Issue 42: California Genocide and Healing. This issue of HJSR is interested in exploring acts of genocide and mass atrocity, and the processes of healing that have been initiated in both native and non-native communities. It seeks work that evaluates acts of genocide and mass atrocity in California, long-term ramifications, impacts on culture and society, acts of memorialization and reconciliation, and the relatively slow pace or reluctance of the State to acknowledge and respond to its history. The submission deadline is October 31. See the attached call for papers for more details.
- Scholarship opportunity for re-entry students. The local chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has a re-entry scholarship opportunity for Humboldt students. This scholarship is for students who: reside in Humboldt, Del Norte, or Trinity counties; return to college after a hiatus of 5 years or more in collegiate education; are currently enrolled at Humboldt in upper division or graduate courses; have a GPA at Humboldt of 3.0 or higher; and demonstrate financial need. Submit completed applications by October 31. Award amounts will be within the range of $1,500-2,000. See the attached flyer for more details.