1) Fixing the World Restoration Speaker Series, April 5
Active registration link
3) Climate and Clean Energy Speaker Series, April 6
Dr. Jola Ajibade will present: “
The justice conundrum in coastal adaptation: should we retreat or invest in floating climatopias?”
Register here to join us! Dr. Jola Ajibade is an associate professor of geography and a scholar activist who applies both environmental justice and political ecology lenses to study the intersections of climate risk, urban disasters, resilience planning, coastal management, and societal transformations. Her work advances ideas about just urban adaptation through embracing feminist, decolonial, and antiracist approaches as well as care ethics that can lead to more just, livable, and sustainable urban futures.
This webinar is free and open to all, and will run from 5:30-7:00 pm. There will be a Q&A discussion period following Dr. Ajibade’s talk. The Climate and Clean Energy Series is sponsored by the Schatz Energy Research Center at Cal Poly Humboldt. We will post the recording sometime the following week to our
youtube channel.
4) "Centering Discarded Voices: Education, Dialogue & Resisting the Prison Industrial Complex," April 6
Brittany Marshall, Engagement and Curriculum Fellow from the American Prison Newspaper Collection, and Lily Gonzalez, Project Coordinator for Project Rebound at California State University, Northridge, will be discussing their work on prison correspondence and archival research.
5) Decolonizing Sustainability Speaker Series, April 7

6) Study on College Students’ Academic Experiences During COVID-19
Maddy Jo Avila, a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at Cal Poly Humboldt is currently recruiting participants for her study on College Students’ Academic Experiences During COVID-19. This study examines how college students’ autonomy, self-regulated learning, and COVID-related stress relate to their academic self-efficacy while learning in an online environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To be eligible to participate in this study, you must be age of 18 or older, have taken at least one online course during the COVID-19 pandemic, and currently be enrolled as either a part-time or full-time student at Cal Poly Humboldt. Participating in this voluntary research consists of completing a one-time online survey that is estimated to take 25 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating, please log into
SONA using your Humboldt email and complete the survey College Students’ Academic Experiences During COVID-19. Questions? Contact principal investigator Maddy Jo Avila (
7) California Indian Big Time & Social Gathering, April 8
8) CCAT hiring course facilitators
9) ideaFest Registration is now open
The Office of Research, Cal Poly Humboldt Library, and Marketing & Communications would like to invite you to participate in the 10th Annual ideaFest! Students, faculty, and staff from Cal Poly Humboldt will showcase research, live performances, creative projects, and more. The 2023 ideaFest will be held on Friday, May 5th, 2023. Click here for more information or to sign up. This will be a great venue for students to display previously presented professional posters or multimedia presentations at this campus-wide research & creative activities symposium. The deadline to register for ideaFest is Monday, April 24, 2023. Please note that MarCom will be available to print posters free of charge prior to the event. If you have any questions please contact the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Foundation at (707) 826-4189 or email contact ideafest@humboldt.edu.
10) Submissions sought for poetry anthology
Booger! is an upcoming poetry anthology for the young and the young at heart to be published by The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt. We aim to inspire laughter, kindness, and the love of poetry. We are looking for children’s poetry written by the folx that make up and support our rich Cal Poly Humboldt community. If you are a student, teacher, alumnus, department staff, or any other kind of community member, then we want you to submit! Even if you have no background in poetry, now is your chance to try it out without fear of judgment. While we want this collection to be enjoyable for any reader, we’re envisioning our primary audience to be between the ages of four and eleven. Visit
our website to learn more and submit. Submission deadline: May 1.

Environmental Studies DARS Planner workshop, April 5
** Please RSVP to the DARS Workshop
Environment Studies Club, April 8 hike
Care about the environment? Looking for community? Or just new friends? The Environmental Studies Club is comprised of individuals who care about the environment and the beings living in it. The club also focuses on having a positive outlook on environmental issues and often holds meetings specifically to mitigate anxiety and fear surrounding climate change. All students are welcome and you don't have to be an Environmental Studies student to join.
Club meetings are on Monday at 6:15 pm in Founders Hall 181 followed by an excursion somewhere in Humboldt County on the following Saturday. Meetings are biweekly. Below is a full semester calendar (last updated 3-2-2023).