- Restorative Justice workshop, today. With guest speakers Abby Abinanti, a Native American judge, and Laura Woods. Multicultural Center, April 18, 4 p.m. See the attached flyer.
- Earth Week, April 22-26. For a complete Earth Week schedule, workshop descriptions, and bio of keynote speaker David Cobb, see here. This annual, student-run event focuses on the challenges, ideas, and solutions to move us towards a sustainable future. This year’s theme is “Building Resilience in a Time of Crisis.”
- Campus jobs. The Mid-Semester Feedback Program is an opportunity for students to gain valuable group facilitation experience, as well as skills in aggregation/analysis of qualitative feedback. Graduate student facilitators meet with faculty to discuss their courses, facilitate student group conversations, and gather feedback about their course experience. The goal is to provide anonymous feedback to the instructor for enhancement/improvement. The pay rate is $12/hour and the work takes place between weeks 5-13 of the semester. Students can work up to 20 hours per week with schedule flexibility. Details about the Mid-Semester Feedback Program can be found on the CTL website here. Email your resume to: Kim Vincent-Layton, Center for Teaching and Learning, kimberly@humboldt.edu.
- Educational leadership retreat. Are you passionate about social justice and education? Do you want to explore the power of transformative pedagogy? Join Prof. Marisol Ruiz during a weeklong retreat connecting social justice theory to teaching practice. Applications due by May 3. See the attached flyer for more details.
- Writing Studio jobs. [Application deadline has been extended to April 22.] The Humboldt Writing Studio is looking for strong writers who enjoy helping others develop as writers, readers, and critical thinkers. Positions start in Fall 2019. Applicants must have completed or plan to complete ENGL 450: Tutoring Developing Writers (2-unit course). English 450 will be offered in fall 2019 (tentatively scheduled for Mondays 3 pm - 4:50 pm). Students who took a similar course elsewhere can request equivalency. See the attached document for more information.
- Summer methods workshops. The ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research is offering several short workshops at the University of California, Berkeley during the summer of 2019. See the attached flyer for more details.