Interdisciplinary Faculty & Staff
A chance to work with an Interdisciplinary group of faculty
The E&C program provides opportunities for graduate students to learn from an interdisciplinary group of faculty and to engage in diverse methodologies from the social sciences, humanities, arts, and natural sciences.
Program Coordinator

Cutcha Risling Baldy, Professor
Native American Studies
(707) 826-4322
Cutcha's Bio »
Areas of Interest: Indigenous feminisms, California Indian politics & culture, environmental justice, media activism, community based research & evaluation, nonprofit & tribal development

Cinthya Ammerman Muñoz, Assistant Professor
Native American Studies
(707) 826-3821
BSS 256
Cinthya's Bio »
Areas of Interest: Hemispheric relationality, land defense movements, and Indigenous climate change studies

Renée Byrd, Associate Professor
Department of English
(707) 826-3160
FH 229
Renée 's Bio »
Areas of Interest: Critical Race Studies; Law & Society; Prison Abolition; Transnational Feminisms; Queer of Color Critique; Sexuality Studies; Environmental Justice; Neoliberal Political Rationalities; Social Theory; Poststructuralism; Globalization; the State and State Violence

Andrea Delgado, Assistant Professor
English Department
(707) 826-5958
Andrea's Bio »
Areas of Interest: urban environmental justice, digital media production, and critical ethnic studies

Aaron Gregory, Assistant Professor
Native American Studies
(707) 826-3345
BSS 248
Aaron's Bio »
Areas of Interest: Indigenous Studies, Science & Technology Studies (STS), and Critical Infrastructure Studies

Sarah J. Ray, Chair
Environmental Studies
(707) 826-3915
FH 107
Sarah's Bio »
Areas of Interest: Environmental and climate justice, environmental humanities, bridging disability, critical race theory, and social justice with interdisciplinary environmental studies, and the role of emotions, mindsets, and inner transformation in service of climate justice, especially among youth.

Paul Michael (Mike) Leonardo Atienza, Assistant Professor
Department of Critical Race Gender and Sexuality Studies
(707) 826-3213
BSS 206A
Paul Michael (Mike)'s Bio »

Daniel Lipe, Assistant Professor
Environmental Science and Management
(707) 826-3442
NR 117
Daniel's Bio »
Areas of Interest: environmental land restoration efforts that incorporate TEK and the work involved around indigenizing science

Buddhika Madurapperuma, Research Associate
Forestry, Fire & Rangeland Management
(707) 826-3620
FOR 202A
Buddhika's Bio »
Areas of Interest: biodiversity conservation, environmental science, forest silviculture management, ethnobotany and traditional ecological knowledge

John Meyer, Professor
(707) 826-4497
FH 138
John's Bio »
Areas of Interest: ways that differences in meaning and value underlie social and environmental challenges

Nancy Perez, Assistant Professor
Critical Race Gender & Sexuality Studies
(707) 826-3826
BSS 244
Nancy's Bio »
Areas of Interest: understanding Mexican and Central American migration, labor histories, transnational cultural production, memory, and resistance from interdisciplinary perspectives

Kaitlin Reed, Assistant Professor
Native American Studies
(707) 826-3822
BSS 252
Kaitlin's Bio »
Areas of Interest: tribal land and water rights, extractive capitalism, and settler colonial political economies

Gordon Ulmer, Assistant Professor
(707) 826-4560
BSS 522
Gordon's Bio »
Areas of Interest: Ecotones and multispecies ethnography, polluted waterscapes and ecological embodiment, disposability and precarity, critical discard studies, infrastructures, illicit economies of labor, migration and work, green economies, the Anthropocene, and urban ecologies